
Межкультурный тренинг Марии Тодосийчук Doing Business with Russians" для предпринимателей из Мексики

2016-07-22 18:00 Недавние события

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Мария Тодосийчук провела межкультурный тренинг для группы из Мексики в Департаменте международных образовательных проектов УрФУ. Это был самый яркий за всю историю курс, который вызвал у участников такой интерес, что они попросили "на бис" еще одно занятие, а руководство пошло навстречу.

В порядке “культурного обмена” группа хором исполнила известную мексиканскую песню, а в конце курса научилась петь “Калинку-малинку” и танцевать русский народный танец. Участники не только прониклись пониманием культуры России, но и получили массу удовольствия от процесса обучения.

Отзывы участников

It was an interactive, creative and dynamic class. Gema Martinez Castelliaos
The important lesson that I learnt is that knowing cultural issues of a country may improve success in business. Alberto Soto Miranda
The training is very interesting. It is well structured and well planned, dynamic and complete. Thanks for your contributions! Esmeralda Aguilar Pérez
Great teacher. Very open to new ideas. Jose Guillermo Ernesto Toscano Garza
It was a very good session with a good insight about cultural competence and about the Russian culture. Miguel Hernandez Leghuga
The training was very useful to learn about Russia and other cultures also for change the point of view that we had about Russians and Russians had about Mexico. Maria Eugenia Toledo Juarez
I liked the class because it was very practical and rich with the participation of all the classmates. Also the teacher was doing a great job by directing the group and focused us on the main topics. Anabel Guadelupe Ronquillo Herrera
It was very interesting and dynamic. I am grateful for the treatment given to us. Patricia Lagunes Dominguez
I love it! We worked as a team and also shared some points of view with our Russian classmates. Thanks for the class, Maria! Amalia Rodriguez Ramirez
I liked the training very much. I would like this class more time. Erika Erendira Zavala Lopez

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